Friday, March 26, 2010

Random Thought of the Day: Rice Krispies

Rice Krispies, because it's better for breakfast. 

"No, Johnny, put the Froot Loops back, we're getting Rice Krispies. You don't need all that sugar!" I never liked being that kid. Waking up in the morning to realize all I had for breakfast was a box of Rice Krispies, my siblings and I Instantly started thinking of something to add to it to make it palatable. So, we'd throw in a banana, possibly strawberries, and spoon after spoon of sugar! Days go by and the box would still be sitting there 3/4 full. Instead of wanting to eat it for breakfast again, we threw the whole thing in butter and melted marshmallows! So much for the sugarless cereal in our household. I think we would have been better off getting the Froot Loops to begin with. :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pirelli's Miracle Elixir

So I finally got around to watching Sweeney Todd.  I really thought a bloody musical wouldn't fit into my list of amazing movies, but I proved myself wrong.  Of Course it's got more than enough gore to last you 'til Sunday, not to mention you'll never see a pie the same way again, but it's all the songs that keep playing inside your brain that make you want to watch it over and over. 

I think I'm hooked! 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Digital Dabbles

So I got a Wacom tablet.  
I've been playing around with Paint Shop pro just trying to figure out the whole process. 

Anyway, here's the first page of a short story I'm working on. 
 ... Yeah, I've got a lot to learn!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If only you could bottle time ...

  Wouldn't that be great?  No more rushing to get to class, or having to worry about when you'll actually have a moment to get things done?  Seems like I'm alway busy these days, rushing to get here or there, having only "extra time" to clean or study.  It's ridiculous how fast some days go by. Which is why I never get to login to this blog I've created.  Heck I haven't even been able to sketch anything!  Why is it so difficult to get things done? I'm just trying to get my life in order so all the other things can (eventually) fall into place. Blubb. I'm just ranting, aren't I ? Thought so.

But I must say, it IS crazy hard, to get yourself on the track of following dreams.  

Sure could use a bottle of 24 hrs right about now. :P
( Wow, that was stupid.  Now it sounds like I'm some depressed alcoholic . ... me and my pathetic  writing skills. *sigh* lol)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So after reading all of Kazu Kabuishi's Flight Anthologies, I had an itch to try out the whole "comic making process" myself. That, and I've had a butt-load of extra time on my hands (holidays last forevvver ... or so it seems.). Scott McCloud says to start off simple. So I did. It’s more or less about my fanatical animal, and what happened to the contents of my Christmas stocking. All in all, it's fairly easy... except for that little scanning in part. Blah! Anyway If I can get PhotoShop up and running, and mesh the sections together, I think I'll be able to do this sort of thing more often. After all, I had fun. :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008


As you can probably tell, I'm pretty new to this whole "Blogger" thing. So this first post is probably going to be rediculous. Anyway, I've been wanting to set up one of these. It'll be nice to just give you a link, insted of emailing all of you my newest creations. :P

Speaking of... Today I finished my watercolor painting. It came out decently, so I'm satisfied. See? (up there)